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Monday, August 14, 2006

Its alive!!!

Slowly its tiny antennae start quivering in excitement. The goal isn't far away and only the barrier of time stops it from reaching it. Patience my friend. Patience. For thou voyage awaits.

Heck, I have waited for two years already, what more is it 13 days? Allow me to explain. About two years ago I found out about this exchange program where basically you go to study in a university that is based in a ship (boats are the small ones people) so that you can visit about 10 countries during the course of a semester. Contrary to what one may expect, this is not Greek Cruise, the purpose is not to make it the biggest sorority and fraternity event ever, but actually study and promote intercultural relations, ever heard about those? Bet Bush hasn't. However let's leave the peculiar old man for the moment and concentrate on what its suposed to be the introduction to the type of journaling that I'll be doing for the next couple of months.

It took me about two years to get everything right for the trip: convince my mom that I wasn't going on a party vacation for three months, convincing half of my university's burocracy that yes, indeed, I will be taking classes, and of course, they are from an acredited institution (University of Virginia), and right, that little detail of money. I won't lie about to you, it's not exactly cheap, this ordeal, but i definetely think its worth it. All the classes take its subject and relate it to cultural diversity and actually, 20% of your grade depends of field work in the countries you visit, so as corny as it sounds it really is about having the world as your classroom. Not bad, huh?

During the next couple of months I'l be busy as hell playing discovery kids poster girl and I'll probably also realise how minuscule I really am in such a complex world (ah), but as long as I stay receptive to the tremendous wave of information that will come my way I don't mind the work, the 'humbling' experiences that inevitable happen in extended travel... or the money. My antennae are polished, let the world come, talk and play.

For more info regarding the program, either because you are a student, teacher or adventurous adult check out - God, they should have payed me because of that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Que te diviertas! Queda espacio en la maleta?

10:31 PM  
Blogger Diana said...

Hey la proxima vez pon tu nombre dentro del mensaje para saber quien eres, pero gracias por los deseos.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Diana! Ya veo q la estas pasando super bien. Espero q sigas asi! No t metas en problemas! Portate bien...
Att Marianela

9:18 PM  
Blogger Diana said...

Hey Mema!! Ya empezaste clases?

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... los profes son buenos, hasta ahora....

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mira Diana, cuando regresas chik?

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... esas fotos estan demasias!, Digo, mejor dicho, los sitios! La tienes q estas pasando super brutal! Escribe q t xtraño!lol

9:44 PM  

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